samedi 9 septembre 2017

NO Fuel NO Spark after reverse battery connection:


Just bought a 1993 DT150SS. The guy trying to crank it put the battery cables on backwords. After he figured out they were wrong he corrected them. However the Motor would not crank. The trim would move very very slowly. This turned out to be a loose connection at the battery master switch. Once tightened the motor cranked fine and trim worked normal. However there is no spark or fuel. I do not hear the fuel pump coming on at all when the key is turned on. I assume since it is electric you should hear it prime. Could I be lucky enough for there to be a fuse that controls spark and fuel???? I'm not sure where to start even looking for a fuse. Does the CDI control the spark and fuel pump? Any input would be much appreciated.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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NO Fuel NO Spark after reverse battery connection:

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