samedi 9 septembre 2017

Fuel Filter suggestions for 30hp M30A3


I was cleaning out the thimble sized fuel bowl next to the carb which someone had
forgotten to put a filter in and didnt even realize it was supposed to have a filter till
I saw it in the service manual. In any case I was planning on putting a good low
restriction and fine micron that is transparent inline with the fuel line right at the
end of the fuel line where it connects to the engine with the connector.
I believe the fuel hose at that point is 3/8 inch ID and I looked at a bunch of auto
filters at the auto parts store but did not find a transparent one .... Where
is a good source of transparent filters for boating and maybe even suggest a model
if you know of one? I considered putting the filter inside the outboard motor
cover but it is too tight of a space. Even though my motor has a carburetor if I
were to use a filter from a fuel injected engine with the much more demanding
smaller micron size requirement .... maybe my motor will last 50 or 60 more years.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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Fuel Filter suggestions for 30hp M30A3

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