dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Walkera Runner 250 Advance

seem good

Brand name :Walkera
Item name :Walkera Runner 250 Advance
Main Rotor Dia: 140mm
Overall(LxWxH) Size: 225x205x92mm
Weight: 570g (with battery)
Remote control: DEVO 7
Receiver: DEVO-RX710
Flight Control: FCS-Runner 250-GPS
Flight Control System: MWC platform
GPS: GPS and GlONASS dual-mode
Illustrated: 5.8Ghz band 5733Mhz default
OSD: Runner 250
Buzzer: Runner250
Figure mass emission: TX5816 (FCC) TX5817 (CE)
Optional camera:800TVL camera
Brushless Motor: WK-WS-28-014 (CW / CCW)
Brushless ESC: Runner 250
Lithium Battery: 11.1V 2200mAh 25C 3S Li-Po
Flight time: 10 to 13 minutes
Working temperature: -10 ℃ to + 40 ℃

GPS System racing quadcopter
New flight control system
1080p 60 FPS recording camera
New backpack package
Direction warning lamp
Intelligent buzzer alarm

Images attachées
Type de fichier : jpg R250adv.JPG (29,1 Ko)
Type de fichier : jpg R250adv-2.JPG (29,4 Ko)
Walkera Runner 250 Advance

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